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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Lets talk about...


Yesterday's mail brought a card stock 8 1/2x11 folded color card: "Open for a message about your son's and daughter's health" from Merck &Co., Inc.. It was a reminder to ask my doctor about HPV, meningitis, whooping cough, and chicken pox. While vaccines weren't mentioned, fear raising was the goal. 

The topic of vaccinations is a hot one, and you young parents out there are forced to face it as soon as your offspring sees the light of the world as mandatory vaccination schedules begin at 2 months of age, with over 2 dozen recommended by age 18 months.

As a parent, it is your job to know what to do. To vaccinate, or not to vaccinate. That is the question. 

If you say "well, of course, you have to vaccinate your kids in order for them to go to school" - I beg to differ. Vaccination exceptions are available, but few parents are aware of them, and few pediatricians will talk about them. You know your obligations to your children, but do you know your rights?

From authors like Neil Z. Miller to Robert Sears, websites like to and  and many others talking about the controversies - you have a wealth of information available at your fingertips.
Research them, read articles by Françoise Berthoud, MD and only after you've read pros and cons,  make the best decision for you and your kids. 

As a parent you have the responsibility to look at both sides of this debate - just like you do about what TV programs you let your children watch (... and thats a topic for another day!).

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."   Buddha

That makes sense to me.  

Friday, July 9, 2010

Options and choices

I got an interesting phone call yesterday. You see, a couple of weeks ago I came across a widget in a magazine that I wanted to know everything about, because it was perfect for me and I had never heard of this particular widget. So I contacted the company online, and the next day spoke with a young lady who was not only very helpful, but also quoted me a price that is quite manageable for me. Now I am in the process of figuring out how I can get this widget into my hot little hands.
Then yesterday afternoon I get a phone call, a guy from the same company called to give me information. I didn't let on that I had already spoken with a young lady at his company and that my questions had been answered. I figured I could always learn a different perspective.
And that I did! He quoted me a price that was almost twice as high. Twice as high is never acceptable for me. Be it a dollar item or a car. 
I had to really bite my tongue, I so wanted to say something to him. Instead I wrote down the information, thanked him, and hung up.
Two opinions, one I researched, the other was just presented to me without asking. 

I am now seeing correlations to the "health care field". (Wait, hang on... lets just call a spade a spade. Our current system is nothing resembling a "health" care system. It is a "sick care" system, plain and simple.)
Patients are presented generally with one option, most likely "traditional". And a minority will seek out "alternatives".

I love researching information, finding the best deal for me. It has become a challenge that I enjoy in all areas of my life, health included. Except I am not only a researcher of information, I am also the distributor.

When a condition presents itself to me, I want to find the most manageable way to treat it. Traditional sick care is generally the most expensive way if you're looking at the big picture, be it in dollars and cents or "human cost". But in some cases, its what the patient wants and I have to support that, regardless of how hard I have to bite down on my tongue.

Personally, it makes sense to me to go with the least costly option, financially is obvious to most, but what many folks don't (want to) understand is what I call the "human cost".
Human cost is the pain and suffering an option causes, it includes physical, emotional, as well as long term cost. It is a cost benefit ratio that each of us has to calculate for him- or herself. As before, twice as high is not acceptable.

While I can make the choice for myself to see pain as a symptom and warning and seek out the cause, it may be unacceptable or intolerable to others.

While pills and potions are rarely an option for me, for many the quick results make up for the side effects.

While surgery is an absolute life-saving only option, for many the removal of a troublesome organ or unwanted tissue is very first choice.

Believe me, there are days when I want to scream. Scream about the pain I see caused by people's choices, that oftentimes bring them to me as a last resort. And yet, they still don't get it. "Fix me quick, Doc, and send me on my way."

And then there are days when I get compliments that remind me that there are people who do get what I'm trying to accomplish.
The patient who calls me first - regardless of what the health issue is - and trusts me to help her make the right decision for her.
The long distance client who prefers a consultation with me over one at a traditional health care facility.
The first-grader who writes me a letter to thank me for taking care of her baby brother so he can be healthy and happy. 
I am so thankful those expressions of trust and compliments of care. They humble me, and sometimes I don't believe I deserve them. But they definitely make my day.

So what am I trying to say with all this...
We have to make the right choices for us. And we all have to find a source that helps us make those decisions.
Research and find the sources that deserve your trust.

We need to learn about choices that don't work for us in order to know which ones that do, that have the right cost benefit ratio for us.
Know the price you're willing to pay for your health, now and later.

Periodically re-evaluate your choices.

(Re)Claim your health.

Dr. Marie

Monday, July 5, 2010

Modern Myth

The Myth of Acid Indigestion

Fact:  At least 90% of you suffering from "acid indigestion" and/or "acid reflux" are in reality suffering from too little stomach acid. Ninety plus percent. You read that correctly. Too little. I have yet to meet a patient with too much stomach acid.

"How can this be?" you ask.  "It feels like too much acid, and the TV commercials tell me it's too much acid."

Here's how it works:  When you eat a meal, the stomach is designed to produce strong acid to begin the digestive process of proteins.  When there is too little stomach acid, the food sits too long in the stomach undigested, and begins to ferment and rot.

It is the acids of the fermenting and rotting food that cause the feeling of acid indigestion (and can eventually cause ulcers).

Sufficient stomach acid is also the signal to the top of the stomach to close, the small intestine to open up, receive the stomach contents, and begin the next phase of digestion.  Without enough stomach acid, the stomach contents escapes in the other direction, causing the symptoms of acid reflux or heartburn.
What happens when antacids are taken for this condition?  It makes the burning stop …but the problem worse.  It would be like putting a piece of duct tape over the oil light in your car when it comes on and thinking you've solved the problem.

Antacids stop the digestive process and the partially-digested, fermenting, and rotting food is forced through the rest of the digestive tract.  (The same is also true of the acid stoppers like Zantac, Pepsid AC, and especially Prilosec and Prevacid.) 

Minerals cannot be digested without a strong acid medium in the stomach.  Antacids and acid stoppers create an alkaline condition in the stomach.  It becomes impossible to digest calcium and most other minerals. Therefore... chewable antacids for extra calcium is useless and a waste of money.

As this condition continues, the digestive tract becomes weaker and weaker, as well as increasingly toxic.  You are also not digesting and absorbing the nutrients from food.

Loss of the ability to produce sufficient stomach acid, and all the consequences of this, is the first step in developing all kinds of degenerative diseases.  However, the connection that this is an underlying cause of disease is seldom made.

The real solution is simple!  There are cheap, natural, effective ways and supplements to assist digestion and help your body to repair its own digestive ability.

Trust me, I'm a doctor! :) 

If you'd like, contact me for a consultation on effective, natural ways to improve your digestive health. Or get a head start by filling out the Symptom Survey here.

Dr. Marie

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy July 4th...

Always remember that we have the freedom to choose our health and how we take care of it.

We have the freedom to pay for it now -  or pay for it later.

We have the freedom to choose our foods. (Find out what Hippocrates said about food)

We have the freedom to go seek medical care or alternative care.  

We have the right to walk out of a doctor's office saying No! to his "only option"

We have the right to say "no" to prescriptions and vaccinations (Check out what vaccination exemption are available for your children)

But most of all, we have the privilege to learn and the right to make informed decisions about our health. 
Please, always exercise that right. For health's sake.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Do you rent or own??

Currently I am renting. After 13 years after owning my own home it was time for me to move. So I did. Renting is very different from owning for me. I love to do projects and improvements and gardening, so being in a house where I really can't do much of that is difficult for me.
So until I own again, friends and family are benefiting from my willingness to work in house and garden.
This morning I was in one of those benefit gardens, fertilizing and spraying oils and soaps for organic bug control at 6:45am, talking to the newly panted trees and roses... I had fun. My name is The Bug Whisperer. Fire ants fear me, Japanese beetles bug out, and fungi flee when they see me coming with my ghost-buster-like backpack sprayer. And the plants are looking and doing beautifully!

After that I came home and looked at the grass at my rented house. And sighed. Time to mow. Sigh again.  Don't get me wrong, I do take care of my temporary home, but I don't really put the effort into it that I would if I owned it. Grass is mowed, but not as carefully fertilized as it could be. Plants are watered, but not treated with materials that would make them stronger, healthier. As long as everything is not dying, its ok.

Then it dawned on me. That's how many of us treat our bodies, as if we're renting. Yeah, we do the basics to keep us alive, but we may not address deficiencies or do things to boost our health, prevent sickness. We're human, we're busy, we got lives, faster is better. And as long as we're not sick, we must be doing ok. Are we... REALLY?

So... do you rent or own? Just think about it.

Dr. Marie

Friday, July 2, 2010

Do youuuuuu...

Remember that commercial for Dunkin Donuts from many years ago? Well, of course I never saw them live - only on You tube ;) but they still make me laugh...

So do youuuu have symptoms like
legs that feel like lead weights
mood swings
monthly cramps and bloating
painful bowel movements
joint pains
brain fog
unexplained tiredness?

Are youuuuu troubled by
heart palpitations
memory loss
blurry vision
loss of taste 
or insomnia?

Do youuuuu know people who have been diagnosed with
Brain tumors
Multiple sclerosis
Chronic fatigue
Lymphoma or

If your answer is "yes" to more than a few of those symptoms, above and you consume Splenda (Sucralose) and Nutrasweet (Aspartame) I strongly encourage you to learn more them, as they have been implicated.
In 2006 Sucralose wass found in nearly 4,000 foods, drinks, even health-care products such as toothpastes. As I mentioned the other day, Nutrasweet is found in most regular grocery store gums, not just the sugar free kinds... It will make you crave more of the food that it is contained in! Russell Blalock wrote about this in 1997. Very interesting read - about so much more than just Nutrasweet.

I have had many patients in my office over the years who were using one or both of these sweeteners over the years, and my first recommendation is always that they stop using them immediately. The ones who do invariably feel better within a couple of weeks or so, sometimes with some nutritional help, but mostly without.

What do you know about Splenda and Nutrisweet? Are your kids eating them? Do you know that there have there been long term studies about their effects?
Please!!!  Learn more about them before you consume any more, and then make an informed decision. Oh, and don't forget those labels, including your fiber cereal, 'cause the blue stuff is hiding in some of them too.

Dr. Marie

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Hello, my name is Marie and I'm a...

Pharmacorexia - hello, my name is Marie and I am a Pharmacorexic.
Yes, I have no desire to take pharmaceuticals for this and that. Call me crazy (see yesterday's blog!) - but taking a pill for Symptom X only to get another Symptom Y requiring a pill for it - I won't do it.

Do you believe that your recurrent infections are antibiotic deficiency?
Are you taking a purple pill for heartburn and indigestion?
Think that pain is caused by Tylenol or Advil deficiency?
Are you being told you have high cholesterol?
Taking high Blood pressure medicines?
Sleepless in Seattle - or wherever?
Hot-flashes burning you up?
Hormones all haywire? 

Have you ever considered talking to your chiropractor about these issues? Let me make it perfectly clear: chiropractors do not treat any of these conditions! However, these conditions are affected by chiropractic care and and can be also be addressed with whole food nutritional supplementation. Ask your doc at your next visit. Your chiropractor has a wealth of information - if you care to know and know to ask. If you don't have one, consult one. You've got nothing to loose but your pesky symptoms.
If your spinal cord / nerves are the water supply to the garden that is your body - deosn't it make sense to step off the hose and allow your garden to get what it needs? 

Think about it.

Dr. Marie

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Its confirmed! I'm a mental patient!

I am happy to report that I've been diagnosed with a mental disorder. I have orthorexia nervosa. - I am fixated on healthy eating. In the near future I predict a new drug on the market - something named Eaditol or the like, containing Aspartame so I'll crave my medicine, and I'll probably have to wear a med-alert bracelet that enables anyone to tackle me when I reach for anything green. :) 

All this in an effort to prevent malnutrition...

I have said for a while now that crazy new diseases and conditions would be created, but this one didn't even cross my mind. And apparently, orthorexia nervosa was coined a while back and this article was written almost a year ago.

The purpose behind this is, of course, monetary gain. Creating a drug first, testing it on some ignorant, poor sap who is willing to get paid to be a living laboratory, and then figuring out the effect on the body and selling the new drug for that purpose.

When the statins for cholesterol were developed, mainstream America was not a market for them. Now, virtually everyone is, even young children. Just think about that! While I believe our bodies are evolving - just watch some footage of the Olympic performances several decades ago and today - I don't think it is in a manner that we're requiring more and more chemicals to survive. Think about it.

Dr. Marie

Monday, June 28, 2010

We gotta read the labels... ALL labels

As I opened a new jar of jam for this morning's breakfast I was able to read the label's "ingredients" list - quite possibly because I had my reading glasses handy. Yes - I am having a hard time reading the fine print of labels. My vainness completely attributes this to my laser eye correction which cost me my close up vision - not at all to the fact that certain eye muscles are feeling the effect of time.
But that's another blog.

Back to the labels on our foods. I am an avid label reader. Dorky? Yes, absolutely. Smart? That, too. If you read labels, you know why.  For one, there is stuff in our foods that is really not meant for human consumption! Rule of thumb is - if you can't pronounce it - don't eat it. I like that.
This morning's surprise was a simple read: HFCS - High Fructose Corn Syrup. I expected sugar - no  better than HFCS in terms of health-effects - but less likely to cause allergic issues to someone who is allergic to corn. (Corn is one of the top 4 foods that people are allergic to!)

A while back I saw a new kind of cheese at the store. Extending my arm all the way I gathered that it wasn't a processed cheese - from the length of the list of ingredients. Bought it. Looked at it more closely at home. And was shocked - yes, shocked - when i read the name of an antibiotic on the list. In my cheese!

The last example I would like to bring up here are artificial sweeteners. Are you aware of the fact that virtually all regular chewing gums, bubble gums contain Aspartame or Splenda, not just the sugar free kinds? The last kind to succumb just recently was Big Red. And kids' liquid medicines... Aspartame. A neurotoxin in kids' products... shameful!

So I hope this is enough encouragement to read labels and then make informed choices about what you put into your body. Cause it does matter. Stay tuned for more. I'll be adding links and  references soon.

Dr. Marie

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Why am I here?

Why am I here? Why are YOU here? Well, since can only answer the first question, I hope that very quickly it becomes very clear to you why you are here and the question that is raised instead is "Why aren't your friends and family here?"

So to to go about answering the why I am here...
I have 25 years experience in the health field. Quite a long time to see and learn - and realize things. About 11 years I spent as an RN in the traditional, western medicine world. There, I never quite found what I was looking for. I went from Neonatal ICU to Home Care. I never found health care in this world, only "sick care".

After a low back injury that left me unable to sit, stand, or sleep, I was introduced to Chiropractic Care, with its gentle principles of restoring health from the inside out - not the other way around. Finally, I found HEALTH care! I was hooked.... It made so much sense! I became a DC. A Doctor of Cause. And since a doctor is also a teacher, I teach my patients every day about ways they can improve their health.

And now here I am to introduce you to some of what I've learned... things YOU can do to take charge of your health. Contrary to mainstream belief, your health is YOUR choice. And what I'm seeing are people who are not aware of that. People are getting sicker and sicker believing that health comes by way of prescriptions and surgeries - putting chemicals in and cutting tissues open. I'm happy to say, there are other options. That's why I'm here. To tell you about your options for health.

So if you want more than crappy health  - or crap for health :) - follow this blog, and learn ways to take charge your your health. I dare you!

Dr. Marie